




After having an eye examination, you will need to make a decision on which brand of contact lenses to purchase (by also consulting with your eye doctor.) Key factors to consider are PRICE and QUALITY. As shown below, Ocy contact lenses offer one of the most competitive pricing in the market. As daily disposable contact lenses are worn and discarded every day, a lower price would help save you a lot of money in the long term. Our lens size is the same or similar to other leading brands; a key feature which would help in your lens fitting process. And the materials used in our contacts are among the top of the breed. You will not compromise high-quality for low price.


Our main philosophy is to make high-quality contact lenses accessible to all patients. Through cost control and enhanced efficiency, our Ocy family of contact lenses is among the most affordable soft contact lenses in the market. Our product is as low as one-third of the price of other leading brands.
Read Why Are Our Prices So low?


Retail Gross Price in US$
For One Box of 30 Lenses


Retail Gross Price in US$
For One Box of 30 Lenses

Note : The price comparison above is based on the retail price data of each brand of daily disposable contact lenses obtained from online websites. These prices are based on a one-time single purchase, without any promotion nor special discounts, of a box of 30-piece contact lenses (excluding taxes, shipping and handling charges) on 1 June 2018. The analysis shown here is for reference only. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information obtained and displayed here. Please use this information with care.


Base Curve (BC) : This number indicates the curvature on the inside of a lens. Your doctor will try and match the curve of your contact lens to the curve of your eye to find the best-fitted contact lens for you. The base curve is measured in millimeters (mm) and usually between 8 and 10 mm. The more bulged or curved your cornea is, the lower the base curve number will be.

Diameter (DIA) : This number indicates the width or the length of the contact lens from one edge of the lens to the other. This is effectively the size of the contact lens and is used to make sure the contact lens covers the correct parts of your eye. The diameter is measured in millimeters (mm) and usually averaged between 13.5 and 15 mm.

In terms of size, our Ocylens contact is of the same lens dimension (BC and DIA) as leading brands such as Johnson & Johnson’s Acuvue 1-Day, Acuvue 1-Day Define, Acuvue 1-Day Moist and Acuvue 1-Day TruEye. Our Ocylife is of the same lens dimension as Bausch & Lomb’s 1-Day Biotru and Soflens. Our Ocy contacts are also similar in size to other leading brands such as CooperVision, Alcon and X-Cel.

Base Curve (BC) Diameter (DIA) Our Brand Contacts Leading Brands With The Same Lens Dimension
8.5 mm 14.2 mm 1-Day Ocylens Johnson & Johnson : Acuvue 1-Day
Johnson & Johnson : Acuvue 1-Day Define
Johnson & Johnson : Acuvue 1-Day Moist
Johnson & Johnson : Acuvue 1-Day TruEye
X-Cel : Extreme H2O Daily
8.8 mm 14.1 mm 1-Day Ocy Air
8.5 mm 14.3 mm Johnson & Johnson : Acuvue 1-Day Oasys
8.7 mm 14.2 mm CooperVision : 1-Day ClearSight
CooperVision : 1-Day Proclear
CooperVision : 1-Day Sofmed
8.6 mm 14.1 mm CooperVision : 1-Day Clariti
8.4 mm 14.2 mm CooperVision : MyDay
8.5 mm 14.1 mm Alcon : DAILIES Total 1
8.7 mm 14.0 mm Alcon : DAILIES AquaComfortPlus
8.6 mm 13.8 mm Alcon : Focus Dailies

Note : The technical comparison above is based on the data obtained from the official websites and publically available materials of each brand of contact lenses on 1 June 2018. The analysis shown here is for reference only. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information.

All contact lenses when placed on the eyes are simply the barrier which reduces the amount of oxygen that reaches the front surface of the eye (the cornea) to some degree. When the cornea’s oxygen supply is significantly reduced, a condition called hypoxia could occur. To decrease hypoxia-related problems and increase the safety of daily contact lens wear, the important factors to consider when choosing a contact lens brand is the ability of the lens material to allow oxygen to pass through it. For this purpose, there are two main indicators : Oxygen Permeability (Dk) and Oxygen Transmissibility (Dk/t).
Read Contact Lens Material.

Oxygen Permeability Index (Dk) is the indicator which measures the degree to which a lens material allows the passage of oxygen: a high value indicates that more oxygen can reach the cornea. Hence, the higher the value of Dk, the better the lens material is.

The letter “D” stands for diffusivity (cm2/sec or mm2/sec) or the speed at which oxygen molecules move through the lens material.
The letter “k” stands for the solubility (ml O2/ml of material x mm Hg) or the amount of oxygen molecules absorbed, per volume, in the lens material.

However, the oxygen permeability is determined by the “material” of the lens, and has nothing to do with its shape or curve design.

Oxygen Transmissibility (Dk/t) takes the value “t” (the lens’ thickness) into consideration. Unlike the oxygen permeability index, the oxygen transmissibility index is equally related to the thickness, material, and geometric design of the lens in addition to the quality of the lens itself. This means a contact lens with the same lens material (and the same Dk index) can have different Dk/t values. The higher the Dk/t number, the better the lens quality.
Please note that since the lens of the same brand with different power has different thickness, the market convention is, therefore, to use -3.00 D as the standard reference.


Oxygen Permeability (Dk)

Our high-quality lens material, etafilcon A, has a high Dk value of 28 – among the highest Dk values of all hydrogel contacts.


Our etafilcon A material has a higher Dk value than methafilcon A – a cheaper material used in another brand of contact lenses.


Etafilcon A is a very popular lens material. Other brands of contact lenses that use this same material include Acuvue Moist.